The True Cost of Ransomware.

The True Cost of Ransomware.

Big cans of iced tea and cybersecurity don’t seem to have much in common but in March, Arizona Beverage Company employees were greeted with messages on over 200 servers and workstations that read, “Your network was hacked and encrypted.” A telltale sign of a security...
The Connected Home: Helpful or Hack Susceptible?

The Connected Home: Helpful or Hack Susceptible?

It cannot be denied that technology continues to bring benefits to consumers lives at a rapid rate. At the touch of a button, we have access to things (research, correspondence, even food delivery!) that twenty years ago was unthinkable. The internet opens doors to...
The Dangers of Plugging in USB Drives

The Dangers of Plugging in USB Drives

A USB is a helpful piece of small equipment that allows you to copy and store information. Some call it a flash or a thumb drive and while the intention for this compact tool was convenience (who doesn’t want to have access to what could amount to stacks and stacks of...